
A number of Provinces and cities have low emission zones for lorries. Tirol has a 'A12 motorway lorry low emission zone' and various other regulations on the A12 to reduce pollution.

There is a national low emission zones framework with stickers since 1st January 2015. Stickers are valid for all vehicles, but there are currently only lorry schemes in Austria. For more information on stickers, see the "National Scheme" section of the Low Emission Zone city pages. For the lowest cost stickers, only buy stickers from the official sources linked to from this website. There are both fake sites and sites that charge up to 5 times as much as the official websites.

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Find Scheme in Austria By Map

To the right of this text is a map of all schemes. Below this text is a map of all schemes. Click for a larger map. All Belgian cities with schemes are listed below by scheme main type. Scroll to find all cities. Click to find full information on schemes for that



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Milan has various access restrictions. One of them is Milan Area C.

Milan Area C is a combined Urban Road Toll and Low Emission Zone. Vehicles need to pay to enter, and in addition only the less polluting vehicles may enter.

Area C is active from Monday to Friday 07:30- 19:30.

Vehicles meeting the required standard, electric vehicles, hybrids, mopeds and motorcycles can access Area C for free.

Vehicles that don't meet the required standards can buy a day pass to enter Area C. For details go to 'Costs'.

The minimum standards for passenger cars and delivery vehicles 

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