Bevagna - Limited Traffic Zone

Access regulated by other requirements
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During certain times no vehicles are allowed to enter the ZTL.

from 1 May to 30 September

- on weekdays, from 13:00 - 15:00 and from 18:00 to 06:00 

- on pre-holiday days, from 12:00 - 06:00

- on Sundays and holidays, from 10:00 - 06:00

from 1 October to 30 April

- on pre-holiday days, from 18:00 - 06:00

- on Sundays and holidays, from 10:00 - 06:00

There is currently no Italian national scheme, but regional as well as individual city schemes.
However, there is a mobile phone app that can tell you when you are about to drive into a camera enforced ZTL.

For non-residents/non-disabled access for private vehicles is often impossible/not permitted.

National exemptions for all ZTL:
Categories stated by law: public transport, vehicles for disabled people with a registered disabled persons badge, electric vehicles and hybrids.

Specific exemptions:
Resident’s vehicles, private car park owners, public utilities, hotel guests, vehicles owned by shops or companies inside the ZTL, delivery goods, car sharing, home care, visiting doctors, night-time surveillance, artisans, funeral company, voluntary organizations.

Local exemptions:
We focus on our website on information for people from outside of town. There are also exemptions for local residents, businesses and other operators. Go to the website Accessibilita à centri storici for more detailed information, in Italian.

Tourists who have their hotel in the ZTL are advised to talk to the hotel about the ZTL, to avoid fines.

Special exemptions may be granted, if there is an important need to enter the ZTL when it is in operation. For example loading / unloading, couriers, commercial activities etc. Talk to the local police about it, contact details below.

Loading and unloading is allowed at times the ZTl is not active.

Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) or Limitazioni della circolazione, the general name for all access regulation schemes, also used for LEZs.

Scheme Boundary

The ZTL Bevagna covers the following area:

  • via DEL CIRONE;
  • DEL CIRONE square;
  • viale ROMA, in the stretch between Porta Todi and Largo Gramsci;
  • largo GRAMSCI;
  • Corso AMENDOLA, in the stretch between Piazza Filippo Silvestri and Piazza Spetia;

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