Casnate con Bernate - Limited Traffic Zone

During certain times no vehicles are allowed to enter the ZTL.
If you need to access the ZTL or have any further questions, please contact:
Municipal Police
Piazza S. Carlo Nr. 1
Tel.031457209 - Zelle .3357709193
Electric vehicles can enter.
All vehicles
Are enforced.
Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 19.00.
There is currently no Italian national scheme, but regional as well as individual city schemes.
However, there is a mobile phone app that can tell you when you are about to drive into a camera enforced ZTL.
Local Exemptions:
- bicycles
- mopeds and motorcycles
- vehicles with exclusive electric power supply
Who can get a permission?
- Employees
- Business owners
- Residents
- Seniors
- Priests or religious institutions
- Owners of a parking spot located within the ZTL
- Artisans and maintenance workers
Who can get a temporary permission?
- Commercial agents or holders of authorization for the operation of itinerant sales
- installers and maintenance technicians employed by private residents
- Vehicles from public administrations for the performance of institutional functions
Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) or Limitazioni della circolazione, the general name for all access regulation schemes, also used for LEZs.
For further information about this scheme go to this useful website.
Scheme Boundary
Road Sign

All schemes in this country