Sadler Consultants, and the CLARS website, were part of a successful four-year Horizon 2020-funded project to help city authorities improve liveability in their cities: ReVeAL (Regulating Vehicle Access for Improved Liveability).
Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVAR) can be one of the most effective levers to help achieve a number of goals that a city has. The goals might include achieving climate neutrality; reducing congestion; or improving air quality, public transport or urban liveability.
The ReVeAL Project, (Regulating Vehicle Access for Improved Liveability), combined desk research and case study research with hands-on UVAR implementation in six pilot cities: Helmond (NL), Jerusalem (IL), London (UK), Padova (IT), Vitoria-Gasteiz (ES) and Bielefeld (DE). The project both supported these 6 cities as well as produced an UVAR toolkit for other towns and cities wanting to implement UVARs.
The ReVeAL Toolkit – help cities develop good practice UVARs, to help take urban road space from motorised vehicles and give them to people and sustainable mobility.
The ReVeAL Toolkit consists of:
1. The ReVeal approach, which breaks UVARs donw into 33 bulding blocks (measures), so that UVARs can be appropriately developed and combined for new cities. Each building block has its own factsheet, and where issues cross more than one building block, they are linked to a specific section in the ReVeAL Guidance.
2. Cross-cutting themes that are relevant for all or several UVARs are covered in the ReVeAL Online Guidance. The Guidance also explains the ReVeAL approach, and how to best approach developing your UVAR. It has the guidance you need to implement an UVAR.
3. The Online Tool AccessRegulationsForYourCity offers guidance on the process of developing packages of UVAR measures to support cities' critical thinking around effective and equitable UVAR packages - it creates, after a short questionnaire, a prioritised list of the building blocks that might be most relevant for your city and potential UVAR area.
The Toolkit is outlined in the figure below, and is also described in the final set of ReVeAL Webinars.