Torrejon de Ardoz

Access regulated by vehicle emission
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Torrejon de Ardoz has implemented a low emission zone 9 February 2023.
To be allowed to enter the city, you have to meet certain standards. A sticker DGT (Distintivo Ambiental) is required. 

Torrejon de Ardoz Zona de Bajas Emisiones (ZBE)

Starts when?

Minimum standard 

When does the measure take effect?

9 February 2023

- petrol cars, vans: Euro 3
- diesel cars, vans: Euro 4
- motorcycles, mopeds: Euro 2
- lorries, buses, coaches:          Euro 4


1 January 2028

Extension of the ZBE


Find out where stickers can be bought below in the 'Need to register' section.

To be allowed to enter a ZBE (low emission zone) they have to be registered.

It is not mandatory for vehicles registered in Spain to have an Emissions Sticker in the lower right corner of the front glass, but it is advisable.

Stickers can be bought from post offices, workshops, administrative managers, Gavam (for fleets) and online.

Electric vehicles can always circulate, but need prior registration.

All vehicles, including motorcycles.

If you have foreign registration and plan to travel through Alcobendas, ​​you must register.
If your vehicle meets the requirements equivalent to the DGT environmental badges, you will obtain an authorization to move freely.
If it does not comply, you must request daily authorizations, with a maximum of ten per year.

Buses, coaches and vehicles for goods transport, even if they fail to meet environmental standards, can register and obtain a a grace period:
- Until 31 March 2021 for light commercial vehicles (N1)
- Until 30 June 2021 for heavier commercial vehicles (N2, N3) and light buses (M2)
- Until 31 December 2021 for heavier buses (M3)

Vehicles that do not comply with any of the environmental regulations of the Directorate-General of Traffic (DGT) and which are not in a moratorium will obtain daily authorizations to travel occasionally through the ZBE Rondes de Barcelona. They can request up to 10 days of circulation per year.

Go here for registration

The application for registration of the vehicle will be processed (accepted, denied or returned as incomplete) within 15 business days of submission. During this period, until the moment you receive confirmation of inclusion in the Register, the vehicle is not considered to be registered and is not allowed to enter the low emission zone. This applies both to vehicles that meet the environmental standards, and to those that do not and are seeking to obtain daily permits.

If the user does not deregister the vehicle, it will remain included in the Register for a period of two years.

Registration can be extended if the vehicle continues to meet the applicable standards.

Camera enforced

Fines between €200 and €1803 from 1 April 2020.

Spain has four emission stickers, that are valid for Spanish vehicles. Motorcycles are also covered by the stickers, with the same standards (depending on whether they are petrol or diesel). However, often the cities have set a weaker Euro standard for motorcycles that is not covered by a sticker). Cities can use them also for incentives or bans of certain vehicles. These stickers are called Distintivo Ambiental in Spanish.
The sticker needs to be put on the vehicle's windshield or in case of a two-wheeler somewhere where it is visible.

All Spanish vehicles have been sent an appropriate sticker by the national authorities. If you have a vehicle registered in Spain and you need a replacement sticker, they can be bought from: post offices, workshopsadministrative managers, Gavam (for fleets) and online. You will need your vehicle papers, see FAQ.

Foreign vehicles have to meet the required standards, but they can't buy stickers.
In Barcelona they have to get registered to be allowed to circulate. (see 'Are foreign vehicles affected?')


Name of sticker Emission standard

Petrol: Euro 3
Diesel: Euro 4 und 5

Motorcycles, mopeds, trikes, quads: Euro 2

Petrol: Euro 4, 5 und 6
Diesel: Euro 6

Motorcycles, mopeds, trikes, quads: Euro 3, 4


Hybrid and/or gas vehicles that also meet:

Petrol: Euro 4, 5 und 6
Diesel: Euro 6

Motorcycles, mopeds, trikes, quads: hybrid vehicles (HEV) and plug-in hybrids (PHEV) with a range of less than 40km in electric mode

100% electric, fuel cell, plug-in-hybrid (minimum range 40 km) vehicles

Motorcycles, mopeds, trikes, quads: electric vehicles (EV), electric vehicles with extended range (REEV) and plug-in hybrids with a range of more than 40km


Exempted are:

  • residents
  • public transport
  • people with reduced mobility
  • service vehicles (ambulances, police, firefighters, hearses, military,...)
  • people that can't use public transport due to a health condition
  • taxis
  • vehicles accessing repair shops in the area
  • driving schools
  • roadside assistance vehicles


Zona de Baixes Emissions; Zona de Bajas Emisiones (low emission zone); ZBE

Scheme Boundary

Map 1:

Map 2:

Map 1: red shaded area = ZBE in 2023
Map 2: blue shaded area = ZBE in 2028

Road Sign

Road sign low emission zone Barcelona

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