Pordenone - Limited Traffic Zone

In the ZTL A no access for vehicles at all.
In ZTL B no access allowed Monday - Saturday from 00:00 - 24:00.
If you need to enter the ZTL in Pordenone please contact
Office Polizia municipale
Via Oderzo, 9
Tel.: 0434392811
Fax: 0434392812
email: poliziamunicipale@comune.pordenone.it
All vehicles except motorbikes, mopeds
Are enforced.
There is currently no Italian national scheme, but regional as well as individual city schemes.
However, there is a mobile phone app that can tell you when you are about to drive into a camera enforced ZTL.
The following groups/vehicles are exempted from the ZTL, but need a permit (name fo permit in brackets):
- residents (transit and short stay)
- owner of private parking space (transit only)
- medical services
Loading and unloading is allowed in the morning and in the afternoon with a stopping time of 20 minutes.
Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) or Limitazioni della circolazione, the general name for all access regulation schemes, also used for LEZs.
Office Polizia municipale
Via Oderzo, 9
Tel.: 0434392811
Fax: 0434392812
email: poliziamunicipale@comune.pordenone.it
more information on ZTL Pordenone
Scheme Boundary
Road Sign

All schemes in this country