The Netherlands has a national framework for Low Emission Zones, which are called 'milieuzone'. Low emission zones only ever apply to diesel vehicles. Vehicles using other fuels are always allowed to enter.

Access is regulated on the basis of the Euro standard for light duty vehicles on the one hand and heavy duty vehicles and/or coaches on the other. No stickers or registration is required. Cameras and special enforcement officers ensure compliance.

Cars and vans

The LEZs for light diesel cars and vans can be of two standards: 'yellow' or 'green'. 

Yellow zone
There are currently no cities with a 'yellow' zone. The traffic sign in a yellow zone would show a passenger car and a van followed by a yellow circle with a 3 in it. This would mean that only light duty diesel vehicles meeting the Euro 3 standard and above would be allowed to enter the zone.

Green zone
Currently, AmsterdamArnhem, The Hague, MaastrichtUtrecht and Eindhoven (from 2025) have 'green' LEZs for light duty diesel vehicles. The traffic sign shows a passenger car and a van followed by a green circle with a 4 in it. This means that only light duty diesel vehicles that meet the Euro 4 standard and above can enter the zone.

Heavy duty vehicles and coaches

Fourteen cities have 'green' low emission zones that apply to trucks, including Utrecht, Amsterdam and Arnhem. The traffic sign shows a truck followed by a green circle with a 4 in it. This means that heavy duty diesel vehicles that meet the Euro 4/IV standard and above can enter the zone. The exception is the Low Emission Zone for trucks in the Rotterdam Port. This has a stricter standard: Euro 6/VI and different traffic signs.

Currently, only Amsterdam has a green zone for coaches. This means that only diesel coaches that meet the Euro 4/IV standard and above can enter the zone. 

The Netherlands also has Access Regulations such as car-free zones in various cities and a transit ban. 
Many Dutch provinces and municipalities have joined the Amsterdam regional Zero Emission Zone Logistics.


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