Vinovo - Emergency Scheme

Pollution Emergency
Access regulated by vehicle emission
Access regulated by vehicle emission
All information about the Scheme
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Since 30 July 2021 has Piemonte a project running called MOVE IN (MOnitoraggio dei VEicoli INquinanti). This allows vehicles that do not meet the required Euro standard to circulate a limited amount of kilometers. The amount allowed depends on vehicle category, fuel type and Euro standard. See list here. The number of kilometers driven is monitored by a black box. MOVE IN is available in the communes named in this list. Vehicles participating in MOVE IN are not allowed to circulate when there is an emergency scheme activated.

Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte and Veneto have a coordinated winter emergency measure.

The winter emergency measure affects cities over 30.000 inhabitants from 1 October - 30 April and in Piemonte it affects cities over 20.000 inhabitants from 15 September - 15 April.

Winter emergency measure:

After four (three in Emilia Romagna) consecutive days of exceeding the PM10 limit, the minimum Euro standard on the next day is
- M1, 2, 3 daily from 08:30 – 18:30:
o Diesel Euro 6- M1, 2, 3 Saturday and holidays from 08:30 – 18:30:
o Diesel Euro 5

- N1, 2, 3 Saturday and holidays from 08:30 – 12:30:
o Diesel 5

After ten consecutive days of exceeding the PM10 limit, the minimum Euro standard on the next day is from 08:30 – 18:30
- M1, 2, 3 daily from 08:30 – 18:30:
o Diesel Euro 6

- N1, 2, 3 daily from 08:30 – 12:30:
o Diesel Euro 6

To check if the emergency measure is in place in Emilia Romagna see here.
To check if the emergency measure is in place in Lombardia see here.
To check if the emergency measure is in place in Piemonte see here.
To check if the emergency measure is in place in Veneto see here.

Find the ordinance in Italian here.

Cities affected in Emilia Romagna:
ArgelatoBologna, Calderara di renoCarpiCasalecchio di RenoCastelfranco Emilia, Castel maggioreCastenasoCentoCesenaFaenzaFerraraForlìFormigineGranarolo dell'EmiliaImolaLugo, ManarelloModena, Ozzano dell'emiliaParmaPiacenzaRavennaReggio nell'EmiliaRiccioneRimini, RubieraSan Lazzaro di SavenaSassuolo and Zola Predosa

Cities affected in Lombardia:
Bergamo Province, Brescia Province, Como ProvinceCremona Province, Lecco Province, Lodi ProvinceMantova Province, Milano Province, Monza and Brianza Province, Pavia Province and Varese Province

Cities affected in Piemonte:
Alba, Alessandria, Asti, BeinascoBiella, Borgaro Torinese, Bra, CarmagnolaCasale Monferrato, Chieri, CollegnoGrugliasco, Ivrea, Leini, MappanoMoncalieri, Nichelino, Novara, Orbassano, Pianezza, Rivalta di TorinoRivoli, San Mauro TorineseSettimo Torinese, Torino, Tortona, TrecateVenaria RealeVercelli, Vinovo and Volpiano

Cities affected in Veneto:
Adria, Badia PolesineBassano, Belluno, Castelfranco Veneto, Choggia, Cinto Euganeo, CitadellaConegliano, Este, Feltre, Legnago, Mansue, Mirano, MonselicePadova, Piove di SaccoRovigo, San Bonifacio, San Dona di Piave, Schio, TrevisoVerona and Vicenza

No registration needed.

Electric vehicles are exempted from the emergency scheme measures.

The winter emergency scheme is active during episodes of high pollution.
Find out here if the scheme is active. A red dot means that there are emergency measures in place; a green dot means that there are no emergency measures in place.

This is an agreement of the regions of Po Valley Basin: Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte and Veneto.


- vehicles of historical and collectors' interest as per art. 60 of the Highway Code registered in the special registers, only for the participation in events organized by the Associations or for go to authorised workshops and centres in order to carry out overhaul or scrapping of the vehicle provided they are accompanied by a declaration in lieu of affidavit (declaration) written on letterhead of the company carrying out the intervention and signed by the holder indicating date and time of the appointment and vehicle number plate; such vehicles, when leaving workshops and/or authorised audit centres, must be accompanied by the invoice proving that the supply/service has been provided by the company concerned (accompanied by by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles in service of regularly authorised events and vehicles of operators economic ones entering or leaving the stands of authorised markets or trade fairs by the Municipal Administration;
- vehicles of shift workers and operators on stand-by duty, with certification from the employer of work;
- vehicles with at least three people on board (car pooling);
- vehicles of the Armed Forces, the Police, the Fire Brigade, the Fire Services, the Rescue, in service of Civil Protection and special purpose vehicles used for removal vehicles, vehicles intended for intervention on public transport network or vehicles for waste collection and refuse collection and refuse collection, vehicles used for public catchment services wandering animals and collecting animal remains;
- vehicles of category M1, M2 and M3, used for public transport services, provided that they are equipped with devices for the abatement of particulate matter;
- vehicles that art. 53 of the Highway Code defines as "specific transport vehicles" and "motorbikes for special use", and relative means functional to the service provided that move at the same time on the same route;
- vehicles that art. 54 of the Highway Code defines as "specific transport vehicles" and "special purpose vehicles", and related vehicles functional to the service provided that are moving at the same time on the same route;
- vehicles bound for authorised workshops and centres in order to carry out vehicle overhaul or LPG/methane conversion or scrapping of the vehicle provided they are declared in lieu of a deed of notoriety (declaration) drawn up on the letterhead of the company that makes the intervention and signed by the owner indicating the date and time of the appointment and the plaque of the vehicle; such vehicles, when leaving authorised workshops and/or audit centres, shall be accompanied by the invoice proving that the supply/service has been provided by the company concerned (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used for the transport of disabled people and people suffering from serious pathologies duly documented with certification issued by the competent Authorities, including the people who have undergone an organ transplant, who are immunodepressed or who are travelling at health facilities for emergency interventions. For the route travelled without the presence of the person with a disability or serious pathologies, it is necessary to be in possession of a declaration issued by offices, clinics, etc., in which the following is specified the address as well as the start and end time of work, therapy, etc. (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used for the transport of persons undergoing treatment, interventions or examinations or discharged from work from Hospitals and Nursing Homes able to show relevant medical certification or booking or
discharge sheet. For the route travelled without the person who is to be submitted to therapy or examinations or that must be discharged you must show adequate documentation 6 or self-declaration in which the driver also declares the route and the time of day (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles of historical and collectors' interest as per art. 60 of the Highway Code registered in the special registers, only for the participation in events organized by the Associations or for go to authorised workshops and centres in order to carry out overhaul or scrapping of the vehicle provided they are accompanied by a declaration in lieu of affidavit (declaration) written on letterhead of the company carrying out the intervention and signed by the holder indicating date and time of the appointment and vehicle number plate; such vehicles, when leaving workshops and/or authorised audit centres, must be accompanied by the invoice proving that the supply/service has been provided by the company concerned (accompanied by by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles of companies and public service bodies in emergency response of which are demonstrated the function and destination to technical-operational interventions that cannot be postponed, (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used by workers whose homes and/or workplaces are not served during working hours of work, by public transport within a radius of 1000 m; the condition must be justified by a letter from the employer stating the driver's personal details, the number plate of the driver, the number plate of the driver, the number plate of the driver, the number plate of the driver, the number plate of the driver. means, place of work and working hours (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles driven by persons whose ISEE of the relevant family unit is below the threshold of 14,000 €, not having vehicles excluded from the restrictions, up to a maximum of one vehicle each family nucleus, with self-certification attesting to the above requirements;
- vehicles driven by persons over 70 years of age, not owning vehicles excluded from the restrictions, within the limit of one vehicle each family unit.
- car sharing vehicles;
- operating machinery, agricultural machinery, work vehicles;
- vehicles of the Associations or Sports Clubs belonging to Federations affiliated to CONI or other officially recognized Federations, or private vehicles used by members of the same with declaration of the President indicating the place and time of the sports event in which the member is directly engaged. Vehicles used by referees or race directors or timekeepers with declaration of the President of the respective Federation indicating the place and time of the sporting event in which the member is directly involved. This exception is valid only on Saturdays and Sundays when a critical level is active (accompanied by appropriate documentation); 
- vehicles used by carers in service with employer certification or of the Body for which they operate that declares that the operator is providing home care to people suffering from diseases for which home care is essential; vehicles used from people who provide home care services to people with serious illnesses pathology with original certification issued by the competent bodies or by the doctor of family (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used by doctors and veterinarians on home and/or outpatient visits with a doctor at on board and with a Professional Order card; vehicles used by doctors and health care workers on call during blockade hours; vehicles used by visiting nurses and midwives domiciliary and/or outpatient, with the holder on board and with a declaration of the respective Colleges Professionals certifying free profession (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used for the transport of persons participating in funeral or ceremonies religious or civil not ordinary, as long as they are provided with adequate documentation (it will be sufficient to 7 show the invitations or certificates issued by the officiating ministers or self-declaration with date and place of the ceremony) (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles for the service of television headlines and for filming with on board the means of support, shooting, generator sets, radio links etc., vehicles used for distribution of the periodical press, vehicles used by radio operators or registered journalists to the Order in possession of a declaration issued by the header for whom they work, which shows that that are in service during block hours (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles or means of work that make removals and for which they have been previously issued permits for the occupation of public land by the competent offices. In the case of of removals made by private means will be necessary to show self-declaration in which the driver declare place and time of the activity (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles of companies carrying out public works on behalf of the municipality or other administrations public or on behalf of Subservice Companies, provided with adequate documentation of the Body for whom they work or who carry out programmed interventions with the authorisation of the director tampering yards and/or tampering bubbles for interventions on sub-services (accompanied by suitable documentation);
- vehicles used in the organisation of events for which they were previously issued deeds of concession of occupation of public land, provided with appropriate documentation
issued by the competent Services (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used by Bodies or Associations for events sponsored and/or organised by the common (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used by workers who are answering call on call and craftsmen maintenance and assistance with relative C.C.I.A.A. certificate for interventions technical-operational urgent and non-detachable (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles for the transport of meals for the supply of school canteens, hospitals, homes of rest for the elderly or health care facilities or individual communities (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles of residents in other Italian regions or abroad with a reservation or receipt the hotel, limited to the route between the hotel and the city limits, for the arrival and the departure (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles of persons in charge of funeral services and funeral transport (accompanied by appropriate documentation); 5.15 vehicles of persons in charge of funeral services and funeral transport (accompanied by appropriate documentation). documentation);
- vehicles used for the supply of medicines (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used by the Judicial Authority and by Police Officers and Officers in service and with identification card (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used for the transport of persons who have booked a flight for the day of traffic blockade, with the corresponding ticket. The route and time of the movement of the vehicle must be congruent with the reason for the exemption (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles to be embarked as accompanying vehicles for sea transfers; and railways, as shown in the travel documents (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles used for the transport of goods by street vendors with ground clearance public valid on Sundays, in possession of a regular walking licence and land occupation public issued by the competent Sector (accompanied by appropriate documentation);
- vehicles for use by diplomatic offices with CD or CC (Consular Corps) plates or with appropriate documentation proving the membership and activity (accompanied by appropriate documentation).
The timetable and the route for which it is permitted to circulate must be consistent with the reason for it.
of the exemption.

Misure emergenziali

Find out here if the scheme is active. A red dot means that there are emergency measures in place; a green dot means that there are no emergency measures in place.

Scheme Boundary

Piemonte emergency scheme map


the color of the map changes depending on the value of PM10�in the air
green = 0 �g/m3
light green = 25 �g/m3
yellow�= 35 �g/m3
red�= 50 �g/m3
purple�= 100 �g/m3

Road Sign

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