Felizzano - Limited Traffic Zone

Access regulated by other requirements
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During certain times no vehicles are allowed to enter the ZTL.

If you need to access the ZTL or have any further questions, please contact:


Municipal Police

Piazza Paolo Ercole 2

Tel.: 0131 791122

Fax: 0131 772629

E-Mail: poliziamunicipale@comune.felizzano.al.it



The ZTL is active from the 1st of June until the 15th of September on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, days before a holiday and on public holidays from 20:30 to 05:00.

There is currently no Italian national scheme, but regional as well as individual city schemes.
However, there is a mobile phone app that can tell you when you are about to drive into a camera enforced ZTL.


  • Residents
  • Doctors on a home visit
  • vehicles that belong to the police forces
  • crane carriage for removal of vehicles
  • vehicles, used for a public service (Water, electricity, gas, telephone, waste collection, post office, etc.), ambulance, emergency services
  • people with disabilities
  • supervisory institutions
  • vehicles of business owners within the ZTL
  • vehicles that are transporting perishable milk-food-newspapers in the ZTL

Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) or Limitazioni della circolazione, the general name for all access regulation schemes, also used for LEZs.

For further information about this scheme go to this useful website.

Scheme Boundary

key: blue line = boundary ZTL

Following streets are covered by the ZTL:

  • Via Paolo Ercole (from the intersection with Via Colli to Piazza Martiri della Libertà)
  • Piazza Paolo Ercole
  • Via Bernardino Realino
  • Vicolo Alfieri
  • Vicolo Fiume
  • Via Tripoli
  • Via Tenente Zallio
  • Spalto del Forte (stretch between via Tripoli and Piazza Martiri della Libertà and taken from Vicolo Fiume to Piazza Paolo Ercole)

Road Sign

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