The Veneto Region has Low Emission Zones, Access Regulations and Emergency Schemes in Veneto that can be found below.

 The Low Emission Zones in Umbria are not currently running, or have changed into Emergency Schemes. As in most Italian regions, there are Limited Traffic Zones.

The Low Emission Zones, Emergency Schemes and Access Regulations in the Tuscany Region are given below.

The Access Regulations and Low Emission Zones in Trentino Province are given below.

The Access Regulations and Low Emission Zones in Sicilia are given below. Palermo has a combined low emission zone, road toll and access regulation.

Find Scheme in Toscana Region By Map

To the right of this text is a map of all schemes. Below this text is a map of all schemes. Click for a larger map. All Toscanan cities with schemes are listed below by scheme main type. Scroll to find all cities. Click to find full information on schemes for that page.

Find Scheme in Toscana by List

Other Access Regulations

Urban Road Tolls

No Schemes



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