We define the scheme in Rivas-Vaciamadrid as an ‘Other Access Regulation’, not a low emission zone, as it does not use the emissions categories. Please see here for full information on the scheme.

Due to the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, Spanish municipalities with over 50000 residents have to implement such zones by the end of 2023.
However, the definition of a Zona de Bajas Emisiones (Low Emission Zone) in the Spanish legislation is quite vague. The cities may also undertake access regulations that are not defined by vehicles emissions standard, but instead reduce traffic (and so therefore emissions). They can also implement policies to have that same goal, without any access restriction zone. Some Spanish cities choose to change the labeling of their existing urban access regulation scheme to a Low Emission Zone (Zonas de bajas emisiones = ZBE). 

On www.urbanaccessregulations.eu, low emission zones are defined as zones where entry is regulated by the emissions standard of the vehicle. Where this is not the case, we categorise them under 'Other Access Regulations' (or where relevant ‘Urban Road Tolls”). To reduce confusion with the Spanish cities, where there is a “Zona de Bajas Emisiones” that is not based on the Emission Stickers, we have also added a page under low emission zone category with a link to the ‘Other Access Regulation’ page for that city, where there is full information on the scheme.

Find out where stickers can be bought below in the 'Need to register' section.

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