Scotland has four Low Emission Zones now

Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee have LEZs to ban older and more polluting vehicles from city centres.

Low Emission Zones set an environmental limit on certain road spaces, restricting access for the most polluting vehicles to improve air quality. This helps protect public health within our towns and cities, making them more attractive places in which to live, work and to visit.

Vehicles that do not meet the emission standards set for a Low Emission Zone will not be able to drive within the zone. A penalty charge will be payable by the vehicle’s registered keeper when a non-compliant vehicle enters the LEZ.

Scotland’s air quality is generally good, but several pollution hotspots remain – predominantly caused by road transport.
Hotspots are found in urban locations where polluted air can affect everyone, especially the most vulnerable – the very young, the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.
Low Emission Zones can help reduce pollution from vehicle emissions, tackling both poor air quality and climate change.

For more information, see our UK pages.


Picture source pixabay.

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