The Regional Council decided to abolish the LEZ in Balingen from 1 November 2020 onwards.
Urban Access Regulations in Europe
The Regional Council decided to abolish the LEZ in Balingen from 1 November 2020 onwards.
As part of the ReVeAL project there is a workshop on Dynamic Kerbside Management, October 15th 2020
From 1 January 2023, there will be a LEZ in the whole Walloon region.
The French law has said a number of cities should implement a low emission zone in 2021.
Emilia Romagna, Piemonte and Veneto have activated their winter smog schemes 1 October 2020.
New EU project UVAR Box supports city authorities to help road users know about access regulations.
From 1 November 2020 diesel cars have to meet Euro 4 standard in Amsterdam's low emission zone.
Leeds (UK) has stopped work on their low emission zone (clean air zone) due to improvements in air quality, as the LEZ may now not be needed.
Heavy goods vehicles and light commercial vehicles are affected by the ZFE (Zone à faibles émissions).
Check if you are allowed to circulate during a French pollution alert, in regions or cities.
The 5 Danish cities with LEZs have tightened their emissions standards, and also now affect vans