Corona: Oxford and Birmingham postponed Zero Emission Zone
Urban Access Regulations in Europe
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Corona: Oxford and Birmingham postponed Zero Emission Zone
Corona: Brussels Region suspends collection fines for LEZ
Corona: Milan has suspended the charging scheme Area C and low emission zone Area B.
Corona: London suspends LEZ, ULEZ & Congestion Charge to help critical workers.
ReVeAL Market Consultation on Technology and Services for Future Options for Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs)
Clean Air Plan: The State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the city of Bonn, the city of Essen and DUH have reached a settlement.
Mainz will implement a Diesel Euro 6 low emission zone a part of the city center.
The first EU UVAR Horizon 2020 Project ReVeAL Newsletter is now available.
Changes for many low emission zones, ZTLs & congestion charges from 1 January 2020.
The area of Amsterdam's bus and coach low emission zone will be extended to the whole built up area on 1st January 2020
Barcelona will implemented a low emission zone (ZBE - zona de bajas emisiones) in an area of more than 95 km 2 in January 2020.