The 9th Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm of Winter 2018-19 starts on Wednesday 27th March 2019, and ends at midnight on 1 April 2019.
Urban Access Regulations in Europe
We keep this website up to date, with new and altered low emission zones, urban charging schemes, and other urban access regulations.
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The 9th Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm of Winter 2018-19 starts on Wednesday 27th March 2019, and ends at midnight on 1 April 2019.
The Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm, Period finishes on Monday 15 April 2019.
London's Ultra Low Emission Zone is now in operation: Euro 6 Diesel, Euro 4 Petrol.
Bath's Clean Air Zone (CAZ) will be active by the end of 2020. If your HGV, van, taxi, coach or bus doesn't meet the required standard you have to pay a daily fee.
For more information go here.
The 8th Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm of Winter 2018-19 started on Wednesday 20th March 2019 and ended on Sunday 24 March 2019.
The Stuttgart Euro 5 low emission zone is now relevant for residents.
The Arnhem Low Emission Zone has tightened it's standard to diesel Euro 4.
We have re-launched the European Urban Access Regulations Website to give you all the information with a new fresh, user-friendly interface.
You can find over 200 more Italian camera enforced ZTLs on
6 weeks to go before London's Ultra Low Emission Zone comes into force 8 April 2019. There are millions of pounds available to help fund scrappage of vehicles for charities, micro-businesses and those on low incomes.
Milan's new Low Emission Zone starts on 25 February 2019. It is called AREA B and will cover the entire city.