From 1 August 2018 foreign vehicles have to be registered if they want to enter the low emission zone in Brussels.
Urban Access Regulations in Europe
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From 1 August 2018 foreign vehicles have to be registered if they want to enter the low emission zone in Brussels.
Two of London's local authorities, Islington and Hackney will have a Zero Emission Zone from July 2018
Groningen in the Netherlands has transformed its city center into a large car-free zone. The setting prevents motorised vehicles from passing through the heart of the city.
London's ULEZ will be extended to the North/South circular boundary by 25th October 2021.
Chambéry in Savoy/France has an emergency (Smog) LEZ in place.
Hamburg gets Germanys first 'diesel ban' (or Fahrverbot).
Low Emission Zones are not only in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world. Other countries with low emission zones include China, Japan, Iran and now also Israel.
The High Court in Germany has decided that it is legally possible for Diesel Bans to be implemented in Germany.