Stuttgart plans to tighten the Low Emission Zone to Euro 5 on the first of January 2019.
Urban Access Regulations in Europe
Stuttgart plans to tighten the Low Emission Zone to Euro 5 on the first of January 2019.
The Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm, of winter 2018-2019 will start on the 16th October 2018 until the 15th April 2019.
Strasbourg plans to entirely ban diesel commercial vehicles on the Grand Île by 2021.
The low emission zone in Brussels, Belgium ends its transition phase ends on the 1st September 2018.
You may know about Stockholms Low Emission Zone and Congestion Charging. Did you also know about Stockholms other lorry restrictions, and the Swedish Studded tyres ban?
The 10th Stuttgart Feinstaubalarm, Smog Alarm, of winter 2017-2018 is from the morning of Tuesday 20th March 2018.
From Friday 27th July, the Grenoble-Alpes region started the first day of its emergency traffic restriction (Pic Pollution). On Friday 27th July it has reduced speed limits on certain roads.
From 1 August 2018 foreign vehicles have to be registered if they want to enter the low emission zone in Brussels.
Two of London's local authorities, Islington and Hackney will have a Zero Emission Zone from July 2018
Groningen in the Netherlands has transformed its city center into a large car-free zone. The setting prevents motorised vehicles from passing through the heart of the city.